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(1) Community Vision.

(a) Policy 1. The 20-year vision for the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road neighborhood is for moderate rural growth centered along Highway 101 and maintenance of rural densities and open spaces outside the Carlsborg urban growth area.

(b) Policy 2. The Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road neighborhood expects only limited population growth.

(c) Policy 3. Environmental quality will be maintained and enhanced through groundwater, wetland and stream protection measures. The community will continue to monitor development and ways to increase the livability of the community for future generations.

(2) Community Boundaries (Policy 4). The Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road neighborhood is generally defined as the area west of the Dungeness River, south of Old Olympic Highway, east of Kitchen-Dick Road, and north of Roupe Road, excluding the Carlsborg UGA.

(3) Background Data (Policy 5). Considerable information was obtained by a task force in the course of developing the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road (formerly the Carlsborg neighborhood) plan. The information is summarized as follows:

(a) Population. Growth in the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road neighborhood is expected to be 285 in the next 20-year period.

(b) Land Supply Needs. Based on expected population growth, the community should expect a total of approximately 150 new dwelling units.

(c) Water. The PUD provides water service to portions of the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road community. The water reservoir on Frost Road is designed to handle 350 connections (only 40 connections are currently on the system).

(d) Sewage Disposal. Currently, there is not a public sewer or community on-site sewage system in the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road area operated by a public entity. This area predominantly has excessively permeable soils which require pressurized sand-lined trench systems for individual on-site sewage disposal. Under the new State health regulations, these soils will require a minimum of half-acre lots when there is public water supply. Where there is no public water supply, then minimum lot sizes range from one to two and one-half acres.

(4) Public Services and Facilities.

(a) Water (Policy 6). The following policies guide water service delivery to this neighborhood:

(i) The PUD water system should be extended at the request of landowners.

(ii) New land divisions should require connection to the PUD water system when economically feasible to serve the property.

(iii) Existing lots or buildings are not required to hook into the PUD water system.

(b) Sewage Disposal (Policy 7). The following policies should guide sewage disposal within the area:

(i) Community systems managed and maintained by a public entity will provide greater assurance that water resources will be protected.

(5) Critical Areas.

(a) Policy 8. The Dungeness River and various wetlands shall be protected from encroachment of development consistent with the County Critical Areas Ordinance.

(b) Policy 9. The County and community should continue to work towards protecting and enhancing Matriotti Creek for fish and wildlife habitat.

(c) Policy 10. A large portion of the Dungeness-Kitchen Dick neighborhood is within an area having a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water. Special care must be taken to ensure the use of proper on-site sewage disposal, best management agricultural practices, and other potential sources of contaminants are prevented from entering the aquifer. Also, any commercial and industrial land uses with hazardous substances, such as gas and oil, shall require spill containment and other measures to assure water quality protection.

(6) Resource Lands.

(a) Policy 11. Agricultural lands designated along the Dungeness River north of the Railroad Park Bridge, along the Sequim Valley airport, and near Kitchen-Dick Road should be protected from encroachment of development.

(b) Policy 12. Forest lands of long-term commercial significance (State lands) designated south of the Agnew ditch (south of Atterberry Road) should be protected from encroachment of development.

(7) Open Space and Greenbelts.

(a) Policy 13. The Dungeness River has been designated as an open space corridor for the benefit of fish, wildlife, flood protection, people and open space. Maintaining the river corridor for these benefits is critical. In addition, the river separates the urban areas of Carlsborg and Sequim. Development along Highway 101 adjacent to the Dungeness River should be low-intensity, maintaining rural character and open space values.

(b) Policy 14. The agricultural lands which are adjacent to the airport and Dungeness River should be conserved in open space patterns, preferably through the purchase of development rights, planned unit developments, or very low-density residential subdivisions.

(c) Policy 15. Matriotti Creek shall be considered as an open space corridor and greenbelt within the Urban Growth Areas. Consideration should be given to public access (e.g., trails) along the creek only with the mutual agreement of property owners.

(8) Transportation.

(a) Highway 101 (Policy 16). New development along the highway corridor should reduce conflicts and congestion with the regional mobility of traffic. Access points should be directed to existing intersections.

(b) Regional County Roads (Policy 17). Carlsborg and Kitchen-Dick Roads are considered of regional significance to the County and beyond. The County shall work to ensure that these roads continue to function as regionally significant components of the transportation system.

(c) Other County Roads (Policy 18). Improvements to County roads identified in this area include Mill Road and Spath Road. These improvements are for safety purposes only.

(d) Airport (Policy 19). The County shall ensure the continued viability of the Sequim Valley airport, including assurance that adjacent land uses do not cause conflicts with the continued use and maintenance of the airport.

(e) Nonmotorized Transportation (Policy 20). Nonmotorized trails, paths and sidewalks along Highway 101, Carlsborg Road, and the abandoned railroad corridor should be implemented.

(9) Land Uses (see Land Use Map) (Policy 21). The Dungeness-Kitchen Dick Road neighborhood is characterized by a mix of rural residential lands and designated agricultural resource lands.